Ignition Boxes & Controllers
The most important part of owning a vehicle is keeping it on the road, and this requires maintenance. When something goes wrong, you should replace worn-out components instead of waiting until they stop working completely. One part of your vehicle that you cannot afford to drive without is the ignition control module, which is a relatively small component with some serious responsibilities when it comes to burning the fuel in the engine.
The ignition control module in your vehicle is designed to perform a number of tasks, the most important of which is supplying the power to burn the fuel in each individual cylinder. The subsequent explosions - many of them per second - will cause the pistons to move, the driveshaft to spin and the vehicle to move along, all while you simply put your foot on the accelerator. It works differently based on how fast you are going, how hard you are accelerating and other pieces of information received from different sensors.
When you identify the part requiring replacement, or you decide to add some of the latest and greatest accessories, you want to be able to find the perfect part. So JM Auto Racing has every part you need, for every vehicle, which means you can easily find exactly what you are after without having to spend all your valuable time searching, install it and then get back on the road without the stress.
The ignition control module can usually be found on the engine itself, close to where it is working, and is a circular-shaped object containing a number of components. While it is designed to live near the hot, vibration-filled engine, some of the internal components, which actually send the signals required by the engine, can be seriously damaged if any of the insulation fails and causes any of the heat to enter the module. It has wires running to and from it for power, and it is usually bolted to the engine with one or two high-strength bolts.
With such complex parts involved in simply supplying the power to cause small explosions, there are of course problems that can occur. One of the main problems is caused by the heat inside the engine bay, because it can get through to the ignition control module's internals and cause them to become damaged in a very short time. The wiring is insulated but this insulation will not last forever, and if it fails or even falls away from the wiring, you could see serious damage caused. Of course, wear and tear is also the enemy of the ignition control module and this is the most likely problem.
When these problems occur, you will see a number of warning signs every time you drive the vehicle. If the internals have been damaged by the heat of the engine, you may find that the ignition control module is unable to supply any power and the vehicle cannot start or run properly. However, before you reach the worst case scenario you may notice problems like a slightly rough idle, an engine struggling to remain running unless you are accelerator or even a few seconds of continued running after you have turned the engine off. When these problems occur, the easiest way to fix them is to simply replace the ignition control module.