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Gauges & Pods

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It’s simple. If you have a performance car with a lot of dough invested in your engine and drivetrain, you need aftermarket custom gauges. The accuracy of their stock analogs (if your car even came with them) is OK for the average Joe, and forget about idiot lights, they only let you know something’s wrong when it’s too late. When you push your car hard on the street or the track, you need precise data so you can intelligently monitor the health of your machine.

Know More

We offer gauges like tachometers, oil pressure, and coolant temperature indicators to replace typical factory-installed units, but we can also supply you with gauges never available from the factory. No matter the modification or application, we can supply you with the devices you need, including boost, fuel pressure, differential temperature, exhaust gas temperature, and much more. We also have air/fuel ratio indicators for tuning and shift lights for racing.

Customization Possibilities

The only problem you’ll have with our selection of dashboard instruments is making up your mind! We have gauge face and bezel styles to suit every taste with styles and sizes that look at home on tuners, muscle cars, and street rods. Choose from electric or mechanical, 90 degree or 270 degree analog or digital displays, perimeter incandescent lighting or LED through-the-dial lighting, standard or glowing pointers, and many more available features. Our gauges are easy to read at a glance and manufactured using the most advanced engineering and manufacturing technology to ensure the most accurate instruments possible.

Mounting Options

In the old days, mounting custom gauges involved a lot of custom fabrication. Today, the brands we carry make it easy with suitable housings and panels that will look great in your vehicle and allow easy installation and monitoring. We offer special pods in many styles for installation on the dash, center console, overhead console, and A-pillar, as well as replacement instrument cluster bezels with provisions for gauges. These aren’t universal mounts but designed for direct fit on your vehicle, with a level of finish that will look like a factory installation.

Some of the most common instrument cluster malfunctions are:

  • Jumpy or stuck needles on analog devices.
  • Stepper motor failure.
  • Dim dashboard back lighting.
  • Faulty sensors resulting in wrong readings.
  • Dead digital displays.
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